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Work Permits in Romania: What You Need to Know as a Foreign Worker

Updated: Oct 2, 2023

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In Romania, the ability to engage in professional activities as a foreign citizen on its national territory is regulated by obtaining a Work Notice or a Work Permit. Understanding the procedures and requirements for work permits is crucial for foreigners seeking employment in the country.

**Types of Work Permits**

There are several categories of work permits available for foreign citizens, each tailored to specific employment situations. These include permits for permanent workers, seasonal workers, trainees, athletes, cross-border workers, and nominal work permits. Depending on the nature of your employment, the duration of your temporary stay for work purposes can typically be extended for up to one year. However, highly skilled workers may have the opportunity to extend their stay for up to two years.

**Who Is Exempted from Holding a Work Permit?**

European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) citizens are exempt from the requirement of obtaining a work permit in Romania. EU/EEA citizens are entitled to enjoy the same labor rights as Romanian citizens, allowing them to work freely in the country without the need for a work permit.

**Steps to Obtain a Work Permit**

The process of obtaining a work permit begins with the employer, whether an individual or a legal entity, initiating the necessary steps. The employer is responsible for submitting the required documents and paying applicable fees at the offices of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI). The IGI typically takes up to 30 days to process such requests. For detailed information on work permits, please visit the official IGI website.

Additional details and prerequisites for foreigners can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection, and Elderly, specifically in the Work Section's Information guide for third-country nationals.

**Work Permit Application Process**

A work permit application can only be initiated by the employer, who submits the required documentation to the territorial units of the Inspectorate General for Immigration. The employer is also responsible for maintaining the documentation to prove the legality of the foreign worker's employment. On the employee's part, it is essential always to retain a certified copy of the work permit or the residence permit issued for work purposes.

**Internal Procedures and Long-Term Visa**

Upon submitting the work permit application, the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) is responsible for processing the request within 30 days. This period may be extended by a maximum of 15 days for additional verifications. Subsequently, foreign citizens who obtain a work permit must apply for a long-term visa at Romanian diplomatic missions and consular offices.

Once a valid work permit is acquired, foreign citizens are no longer required to obtain IGI approval. The only mandatory approval needed is from the National Visa Center for long-stay visas designated for employment purposes. Within 60 days of obtaining a work permit, it is crucial to apply for a long-stay visa for employment purposes; otherwise, the permit will expire.

For detailed information about long-term visas for third-country citizens, visit the 'Visas for Foreign Researchers' section on our website or the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the 'Long Stay Visa' section.

The granted long-term visa's right of residence can be extended by submitting a request along with necessary documents to the General Inspectorate for Immigration. This request should be made at least 30 days before the expiration of the previous residence permit. Additionally, employment authorization may also be extended, provided that the workplace remains unchanged.

For further information on internal procedures for long-term work visas and residence permits, please refer to the official website of the General Inspectorate for Immigration's 'Residence in Romania for Work' section.



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